Smart applications can sense, anticipate and adapt themselves to the context, desires and intentions of their users; they continuously face the unpredictability of human behavior and unforeseeable changes in the world affecting the context, the users and the functionalities they expect to be delivered by the smart applications. [smart application] = [smartness domain] + [smart place]
Smart applications aim at supporting and improving the quality of life of their users and may be applicable to different areas, including: eco-sustainable and eco-friendly transport systems with low ecological impact, energy saving, food and water supplies, local waste management and others. These may be seen as smartness domains, i.e. application areas in which advanced functionalities favor growth and sustainable development. A smartness domain is a functional area clustering aspects of smart application functionalities devoted to promote one specific area of the quality of life, for instance smart mobility deals with smart and novel approaches to human and goods transportation. Commonly studied smartness domain include smart living, smart mobility, smart economy, smart government and so on.
A smart place is a cyber-physical system that implements ICT for the benefit of its communities, directly involving them to the achievement of a greater success in the areas of the economy, environment, living, mobility, people, and government. There are several intersections among smart places (smart city/factory/vessel/…) and smartness domains (smart living/mobility/economy/government/…), such intersections define the areas where requirements for smart applications lie. Indeed, several requirements may be shared and common solution paradigms may be applied and the main objective of a smart place is to let the user take advantage of new (or newly integrated) services coming from one or more of the different smartness domains to guarantee an improvement in some aspects of quality of life (of the citizen in the case of smart cities or of the user in general).
Smart applications must take into account the presence of a user, who is, therefore “included” throughout the lifecycle of smart applications. In this context, agents and agent systems, due to their peculiarities, can provide a good starting point for the development of smart applications. They also provide versatile analysis abstractions and powerful implementation frameworks that can play a central role in the future advances of smart applications. Over the last decades, agents have brought us the potential to develop a wide variety of innovative applications with smart behavior. This leads to the idea that agents facilitate the development of such complex systems, in which it is necessary to sense the environment for reacting to unanticipated circumstances. Applying well-established software engineering methodologies is a fundamental prerequisite for delivering high quality and robust smart software applications. However, several important open challenges are still to be addressed in order to deliver systematic, repeatable and controllable methods and procedures for engineering smart applications.
WOA 2018 aims at providing a forum for discussing recent advances in smart applications development.
Authors are invited to submit research papers with regards to the following particular area of interests:
Moreover, the following list of topics are welcome: