NETTUNIT - Net de l’Environnement Transfrontalier TUNisie-ITalie

The project aims to develop a fully operational platform with the use of weather alerts, air pollution and marine pollution alerts intended in particular for Civil Protection services, local health services and other Italian and Tunisian intervention services. See here. for further information.

Cloud x Europe – EU FP7 – grant agreement 610650

Currently, EU countries Government clouds are made up of a composite set of heterogeneous cloud platforms, which rarely cross the borders of a single country. The aim of the present PCP is the creation of a Public Administration (PA) federated cloud capable of spanning all EU member States. In such a scenario, each EU member state's PA cloud should be able to provide its services in a single digital market, on a European scale.

At the same time, each cloud consumer should be able to choose (and consume) the desired services from an EU service catalogue respecting the different legislation rules. In this proposal, we explain how to implement a federated scenario where in addition to the nation Certified Storage Brokerage (CSBX) each country (Nx) will be equipped with a national Federated Certified Storage Brokerage service to create a distributed cooperating ecosystem of interoperable national broker.

In this project the laboratory participates to the definition of a cloud platform for the Italian P.A. that is able to interact with that of other Community nations.

AMICO – Automazione e Monitoraggio Intelligente dei Consumi

AMICO, i.e – Automazione e Monitoraggio Intelligente dei COnsumi aims to develop a multilevel architecture for assist descions relating to power management, energy and security in system ship during navigation and manuevering in port. The main objectives concern:

  1. The optimization of the management of energy resources
  2. The knowledge in real time the state of health of the vessel so as to ensure the timeliness of the interventions
  3. The study of new approaches to the design and construction of boats that optimize the “power consumed by the vessel in its overall life cycle (construction, operation, decommissioning) and for provide emergency management.

SIGMA – Sistema Integrato di sensori in ambiente cloud per la Gestione Multirischio Avanzata

SIGMA, i.e Sensors Integrated System for Multilevel Risk Management, is a multilevel architecture implemented in cloud platform. It performs the acquisition, integration and processing of heterogeneous data coming out from several sensor network (Meteo, Seismic, Volcanic, Hydrological, Rainfall, Car & Naval Traffic, Environmental, Video ….).

It aims to improve on the environmental and industrial monitoring and control systems in order to yeld useful information for the prevention and/or the management of risks. To this end, SIGMA provides a valuable service set not only for citizens but also for private and public enterprises.

The system has been designed for guaranteeing network access to its services even in location or critic situation when traditional communication networks are not available anymore for the accessing data gathered by sensor network.


The aim of Etna valley Project (Smart Grid) is to create a document management system operating in the Cloud environment. The tool has been developed as a mashup of services and cloud applications running at SaaS (Software as a Service).

ECOS LAB contributed to the project with the Cloud Application Mashup, an innovative paradigm for creating new services by integrating data, processes and user interfaces from many sources over the cloud. The main outcome were:

  1. A goal-oriented language to specify a mashup
  2. A language to semantically annotate cloud application A web-based editor for mashup design
  3. A middleware for mahup configuration and execution

OCCP – Open Cloud Computing platform

The aim of the OCCP project is the study, design, construction and testing of a prototype of the “Open Cloud Computing Platform” for delivering Enterprise mashups services on cloud, both public and private. Funding Program PO FESR 2007-2013 Sicily. See here for further information.

IMPULSO- Integrated Multimodal Platform for Urban and Extra Urban Logistic System Optimisation

IMPULSO aimed to develop new technologies and capabilities in order to improve the management and transport of products, based on cooperation models while ensuring highest levels of security. It offers an integrated system for goods management within the logistic districts, for their storage in special metropolitan distribution centres and finally, for distribution within the cities.

IDS – Innovative Document Sharing

The aim of IDS projects has been to realize a prototype of a new generation of a digital document solution that overcomes current operating limits of the common market solutions. To do this, IDS prototype has been endowed with several innovative ICT modules in order to realize different complex functionality ranging from a dynamic adaptive workflow to semantic search and strategies for interfacing with legacy products. For our contributions see here.

FRASI- FRamework for Agent-based Semantic-aware Interoperability

FRASI aimed to develop a reference architecture for the definition of collaborative and dynamic software systems, that are also modular and configurable and endowed with introspective ability. This framework has been based on agent-based technologies for an intelligent management and use of information and services.

ICT E3- ICT Programme for Development and Innovation in Western Sicily in the Field of Marine-applied Scientific Research

The main purpose of ICT E3 project was the development of ICT infrastructure able to make the technological improvements in the fisheries sector in Western Sicily. The project, funded under the ICT program for the excellence of Sicily, was made possible thanks to the Convention of Operational Scientific Collaboration and Institutional ICAR-IAMC. Seehere. for further information.